Simplify your process for posting fund material to meet the needs of the SEC’s increasing requirements for the availability of regulatory content on fund websites. Using our FundDocs hosting solution, we provide seamless prospectus hosting, fund document hosting, and more.
Document table can either be used as a standalone web page or seamlessly embedded into an existing page of a fund website.
Layouts are fully responsive (i.e., mobile friendly) and can be customized with orientation, logos, text, and additional documents.
Documents are posted immediately after filing, including the integration of supplemental filings.
Linking and layering requirements are easily fulfilled, including summary prospectus and tailored shareholder reporting posting obligations.
Users can also request a copy of the document via email or a mailed copy to meet fulfillment requirements.
The SEC issued a press release on Friday, February 7th, with a decision to provide a temporary exemption from compliance with Rule 13f-2 and Form SHO reporting until 2026. As a result of the exemption, the first reporting period will now be January 2026.
On January 8, the SEC’s Division of Investment Management issued new FAQs on the Investment Company Names Rule, which was amended in 2023. These amendments aim to increase shareholder protection by increasing the scope of funds required to adopt a policy to invest at least 80% of its assets based on the investment approach suggested by the fund name, as well as notice and recordkeeping requirements related to these policies.